HEY YOU GUYS! "Booty Trap Treasure Map," 24" x 18" double-sided, five-color screen-print on Madero Beach French Paper, edition of 100, $30, for Gallery 1988: LA's ninth annual Crazy 4 Cult show: SOLD OUT.
It's got all of your favorite nuggets from the Goonies hidden in the map, and if you want, you can cut the map out and fold it up, just like in the movie! Also, couldn't forget the sheet music key on the back...only I replaced it with Cyndi Lauper's "Goonies R Good Enough!"

"Booty Trap Treasure Map"

Cut and folded version.

Reverse-side printed view.

Cut and folded version on top of uncut sheet.

Cut and folded version.

Full printed photo.