Millions of years ago, when the world was hit by a giant MEATYOR, it changed the course of history forever by giving rise to the FEAST BEASTS. It's collision with the planet signaled the start of the hot and spicy CRUSTACEOUS period, where our story begins....
You can purchase Feast Beast enamel pins at and tees at

When the mighty Meatyor hit the PlanEAT, it signaled the beginning of the Crustaceous Period, when the formidable Nachosaurus lived. It shared the natural habitat with the Cravemen, amongst the Bean Dip Tar Pit, Salsa Sea and the Cheesy Volcanoes with Hot Lava Sauce. It was a true Apex PredEATor amongst the FEAST BEASTS!

In the depths of the Oily Ocean, within the Coral Beef, lurks the elusive FEAST BEAST: Pizza Shark! Feeding on Spaghetti Anemone and Sea Shell Macaroni, it’s a true terror of the Saucy Seas!

Straight out of the Strawberry Swamp, this species of Croco-Pie-L lives within the Berry Preserves, and spends it's days baking under the sun!
Straight out of the Strawberry Swamp, this species of Croco-Pie-L lives within the Berry Preserves, and spends it's days baking under the sun!

Straight out of the Blueberry Swamp, this species of Croco-Pie-L lives within the Berry Preserves, and spends it's days baking under the sun!
Straight out of the Blueberry Swamp, this species of Croco-Pie-L lives within the Berry Preserves, and spends it's days baking under the sun!

This curious kitty makes it’s home in the Candy Caves and likes cuddles and kisses. Be careful though, this Cupcat may seem cute, but looks can kill!

Millions of years ago, when the world was hit by a giant MEATYOR, it changed the course of history forever by giving rise to the FEAST BEASTS. It's collision with the planet signaled the start of the CRUSTACEOUS period, when the formidable, but friendly, FRYCERATOPS lived. While sharing a habitat with the much more ferocious NACHOSAURUS, the Fryceratops is a herbivore, eating mostly just parsley plants and scallion stalks. Other species include the larger Chili-Cheese-Fryceratops, and the much weirder northern variety, the Poutine-Fryceratops.

Soft enamel lapel pin

Soft enamel lapel pin

Front and back pin packaging

Soft enamel lapel pin

Soft enamel lapel pin

Front and back pin packaging


Embroidered patch

Embroidered patch

Soft enamel lapel pin

Soft enamel lapel pin

Front and back pin packaging

Soft enamel lapel pin

Soft enamel lapel pin

Front and back pin packaging

Soft enamel lapel pin

Soft enamel lapel pin

Front and back pin packaging

Photoshop sketch.

Photoshop tights.

Vector black line.

Vector color.

Tonal lines and vector colors in Illustrator.

Vector Shading.

Textures added in Photoshop.